Book: Flight of the Earls
Author: Michael K. Reynolds
Publisher: B&H Publishing
Publishing Date: January 1, 2013
Type of Book: Historical Fiction, Inspirational
I received a copy of this book via the author as well as through www.netgalley.com from the publisher for an honest review.
My interest in this book is: the Irish story. I love Riverdance, the movie Far & Away, and have studied the Irish Mafia for many years. This book fit right in!
Ideas expressed/message/plot: This book puts you in the midst of what it would be like to be Irish and to travel to America in 1846-47; the Five Points, NY; TRUE love; overcoming.
Favorite characters, quotes/lines: "Seamus realized Ireland was in every town."
When I finished this book I felt: Thick with thoughts of God. Truly, this book is not the typical Historical Fiction that I usually read, thus it took me a while to settle in. And settle in I did! I read a lot of Romantic Historical fictions (think Chick-Flick style) and this was much more a Drama/Saga. (Saga: a long, involved story, account, or series of incidents ). The first half of the book was like looking at someone's snapshots of historical records and pictures. At the beginning I was not sucked into the life of the heroine; I wasn't enraptured by action or suspense or situation. However, the first half set the stage for the story that really took over about 1/2 way through. I truly believe the way Michael Reynolds sets the stage is one of the most beautiful weaving of tapestry I've read and it really makes this book what it is. I FELT what it was like because Mr. Reynolds gave me many intersecting events to picture what it would have been like to be Clare. I will have images of this story floating through my mind for years to come.
Well done Michael! I'm in love with your story and can't wait for the next!!! I really loved Seamus' story~could feel his pain and understand why he behaved as he did. I felt for him. Can't wait for July!!!
Overall: It depends what you're looking for in a historical fiction. If you are looking for a cute, fun (chick-flick) story that simply takes place in a historical period or setting...this is not that (think Deeanne Gist, Kaye Dacus, Jamie Carie, Colleen Coble). If you want something that takes you there, and REALLY makes you feel the history, feel what it would be like to live then (like looking at a scrapbook with captions) then this is your book! I felt the hardship, felt the struggle, both internal and external, because Michael places before me situations that cause me to wonder what I myself would do or feel. I really think that those of us who love chick-flicks should give this one a read because, though different, it is an impacting story; a great book.
Other books to read by this Author or theme: I am anticipating his next release In Golden Splendor which releases July 15, 2013!
Full Fledged 5 Stars! This is a book I would recommend to anyone teen+,
especially those who love history.
I would highly recommend this be required reading for anyone teaching/learning about this era!
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