Book Title: Follow the Heart
Author: Kaye Dacus
Publisher: B&H Publishing
Type of Book: Historical Inspirational Romance
I received this book: for free through www.netgalley.com from the publisher for an honest review
My interest in this book: Kaye Dacus has a way with creating unforgettable characters and this one does not disappoint.
Ideas expressed/message/plot: London World Fair, 1851. Here we have a classic tale of marrying for love or for financial reasons (an area oft explored by J.Austen and the like), which never grows old.
There is Garden imagery woven through out this story that lends a powerful hand to the story being told. I loved it! Lines such as: "God has used us to prune each other into the people He intended us to be," reference God's hand in our lives and the way Kaye draws upon these comparisons is beautiful.
Favorite Characters, quotes/lines: Her characters always stand out as unique individuals. I enjoyed each of them.
When I finished this book I felt: Happy. What a well told story! And I love stories told in England. So many new books are aiming at US history and the westward expansion & I was glad to be brought back to English charm.
Overall: Great read. Bookshelf worthy. 4 stars. I would recommend this book to anyone high school +, especially those who enjoy gardening mixed with a well told story.
Other stories I've enjoyed by this author: Stand-In Groom, A Case for Love, The Ransom Trilogy
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