Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A Bride At Last by Melissa Jagears

Book: A Bride At Last (Unexpected Brides book #3)
Author: Melissa Jagears
Publisher: Bethany House
Publishing Date: July 7, 2015

I received a copy of this book from the publisher and www.Netgalley.com in exchange for an honest review.

Why I chose this book: I have enjoyed Melissa's previous books in this series. I fell head over heals with the first book and loved the novella (see below).

Type of book: Mid-West America, 1885

Message/plot: Don't let heart-break and mistakes hold you back from the future God has for you.

Favorite character, quote/line: "The world continues to revolve, Kate. Even when you're stuck in grief or pain or anger or sin--it's how it is. Bad things happen every day. If everyone quit to mourn every tragedy, society would fall apart."

When I finished this book: Content. :)

Overall: Melissa's books are filled with character tension as well as a good, solid plot. I know that when I pick up one of her books, I'll be led on a journey that will have me experiencing what the characters are experiencing. I highly recommend reading this series as an end-of-summer series.

Pick up her #FREE Love by the Letter (An Unexpected Brides Novella) at Amazon to test drive her books. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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