Thursday, December 12, 2013

Book Review ~ Beowulf

Book: Beowulf (Book #3 in the A Breed Apart series)
Author: Ronie Kendig
Publisher: Barbour
Publishing Date: January 1, 2014

Type of Book: Contemporary, military

My interest in this book is:  I love this author and thoroughly enjoyed the previous two books. I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one! 

Message/Plot: Overcoming your past; not letting up; courage

Favorite quote: "His father once told him, 'If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.' But sure as fire, God would show you why your plans didn't work or would send you spiraling in the opposite direction."

Favorite Character: All of Kendig's characters have meat to them & I could feel every one of them. Ronie has a fantastic way of breathing life into an already power-packed story. Honestly, I love the struggle in both Leads. 
When I finished this book I felt: moved; wanting to donate to her promoted cause (The Battle Buddy Foundation); to get this book into the hands of everyone I know so they can get a better understanding of what our men go through for the freedom of others. It's powerful. 

Other books I would recommend by this Author: Trinity (FREE right now as of posting date), Talon and the entire Discarded Heroes series.

Overall: WOW! What an incredible novel! This is not only a great story that tugs on your heart and spirit, but one that has such staunch purpose. Beowulf is impacting in SO many ways! I wish I could get a copy of this book into the hands of everyone I know. (Since I can't, please go get yourself a FREE--while it lasts--Kindle copy of Trinity to get you started! []). I'm in love with the author--her passion and her gift as a storyteller. I love how she uses the gifts God has given her to not just entertain but to also bring a message and impact lives. There is a mission in her writing that is full of beautiful passion. Instead of telling you about a cause, she makes you feel it--live it. 

Well done, Ronie Kendig! Definitely  a bookshelf worthy book. Five stars.

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